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053 pov. SCP-049 will often seek to share its findings with members of Foundation staff.The following is a log of several occasions during which SCP-049 was observed operating on a mammalian corpse.The following interview was conducted by Dr. Raymond Hamm during the initial investigation.In order to facilitate the ongoing containment of SCP-049, the entity is to be provided with the corpse of a recently deceased animal (typically a bovine or other large mammal) once every two weeks for study. Aucun objet pointu ou arme à feu n'est autorisé dans la chambre de confinement de SCP-053. Mais cela viendra avec le temps. The resulting 049-2 instance became animated, flailing and grasping at the walls of the chamber with a number of manufactured limbs while moaning out of an oblong orifice now present in its sternum. Lorsqu'on l'interroge au sujet de cet effet, SCP-053 est incapable de répondre.Aucun contact physique avec SCP-053 ne doit être établi sans combinaison protectrice de confinement ni protection oculaire.

After all of the 049-2 instances were dispatched, SCP-049 willingly entered Foundation custody. Il y a du travail ! Maybe. 053 pov. Following protocol, Dr. Hamm reminded SCP-049 that the interview was required, after which the entity became hostile and attacked Dr. Hamm, killing him. SCP-053, également connu sous le nom de Petite Fille ou de Jeune Fille, est un SCP de classe Euclide contenu par la Fondation SCP. À présent, nous avons perdu assez de temps. 388. SCP-053 est fourni avec des jouets, des livres et des jeux, qui sont fréquemment utilisés. SCP-049 : (Fait une pause et fixe le Dr Hamm) Oui, eh bien, ce n'est pas un traitement parfait. Tous les objets donnés au personnel s’occupant de SCP-053 peuvent être retirés de la zone, mais doivent être mis en quarantaine pour examen. SCP-053 est fourni avec de la literie médicinale.

I will require a laboratory of my own, one where I can continue my research unimpeded. This continued for a period of several months, during which SCP-049 never exhibited any aggressive behaviours.The following interview is an excerpt from the 4/16/17 049 Incident Report.

The security team dispatched the 049-2 instance, and SCP-049 returned to containment with no resistance, stating that it was pleased with the results.On April 16th, 2017, as Dr. Hamm was entering SCP-049's test chamber to conduct another routine interview, the entity began to grow anxious and asked Dr. Hamm if he was feeling well. The interview was conducted by Dr. Elijah Itkin, and took place three weeks after the start of the initial investigation.In the aftermath of this incident, SCP-049 was interviewed by Dr. Theron Sherman.While in containment at Site-19, SCP-049 has spent a considerable amount of time studying and performing surgery on the various mammalian corpses it has been provided.