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Moreover, ASTM International has attracted partnerships in AM from other standards groups as well as innovation hubs, industry associations, and more.In sum, the vast potential for AM to change our lives is coming into full view.Get instant access to 42 of the latest ASTM guides, practices, and test methods on the Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessment process.Kathie discusses ASTM's platforms and services, committees for new and emerging industries, and the important role played by members worldwide.The online version of our award-winning magazine delves deeper into ASTM news with expanded coverage of press releases, feature articles, interviews and more.These standards have been approved under the agreement:

They have developed standards that support the application and adoption of AM for diverse materials and processes. The ILS program also helps with interlaboratory study design, volunteer labs, samples and suppliers, collecting and analyzing data, and compiling research report information.A Partner Standards Developing Organization (PSDO) agreement between ASTM International and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), signed in 2011, paved the way to create joint AM standards.The agreement aims to make the best use of experts and resources to drive AM standards development while reducing duplication of effort. Read the feature in STANDARDIZATION NEWS.Get all the API content you need Plus powerful workflow toolsASTM International’s AM standards (see list of key standards) and proposed standards are becoming more robust, detailed, and application-specific. Read about these terms in STANDARDIZATION NEWS.Additively manufactured products have particular interest for aerospace, aviation, and military purposes, industries in which ASTM International has always led the way.

The work is happening through the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) to help ensure consistent, harmonized international standards.

In the future, we could see even more benefits, such as uniform workforce training and a stronger ability to focus on constant quality improvement rather than potential confusion surrounding specifications.” — Carl Dekker, president of MET-L-FLO Inc. and chair of ASTM International’s committee on additive manufacturing technologies (F42)Startups, established businesses, trade associations, academia, and government are all represented in the committee on additive manufacturing technologies (F42). The term “Semantic Web” refers to W3C’s vision of the Web of linked data. Guidance furnished by ISO begins like most ISO standards, with a clear definition of the topic and an introduction to the team credited for the developing the standard. The committee also provides an important forum for exchanging ideas, networking, and creating partnerships.

These standards ensure that all the crazy brilliance continues to improve a web that is open to us all.W3C develops these technical specifications and guidelines through a process designed to maximizeconsensus about the content of a technical report, to ensure hightechnical and editorial quality, and to earn endorsement by W3C and thebroader community.XML Technologies including XML, XML Namespaces, XML Schema, XSLT, Efficient XML Interchange (EXI), and other related standards.Web Design and Applications involve the standards for building and Rendering Web pages, including HTML, CSS, SVG, Ajax, and other technologies for Web Applications (“WebApps”).

“This agreement creates a cooperative relationship for knowledge sharing and the pursuit of developing an established set of standards that will allow businesses to adopt 3MF with confidence.”Additive manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, uses computer-aided design to build objects layer by layer. + promoDataNew.promos[i].copy + "This new ASTM committee will build consensus among stakeholders and provide guidance to practitioners of human resource management. “As adoption of the 3MF file format continues to ramp, it becomes increasingly important to develop a long-term 3MF technology roadmap that businesses support and trust,” said Adrian Lannin, executive director, 3MF Consortium. With 600 members from about 35 countries, the committee oversees about 225 standards.Learn how the upcoming changes to E1527 will impact the Environmental Site Assessment and Transaction Screen Process.New equipment, technologies, and materials in AM are driving down the costs of building parts, devices, and products in industries such as aerospace, medicine, automotive, consumer products, and more.“This coordinated approach to standards development in AM is crucial to building out robust standards at all levels. The committee is exploring ways to apply existing ASTM International test methods for plastics to AM.

The structure was approved by the organizations’ additive groups in July 2016."

NEW: ISO/TS 55010:2019 Information Leaflet

We should be able to access the web from any kind of hardware that can connect to the Internet – stationary or mobile, small or large.

The group has been meeting since 2009 when the vast potential for AM was coming to light.A robust, enterprise-level family of services that strengthen organizations – in addition to standards – are available from ASTM International.