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アマゾンのプライム会員であれば、アマゾンプライムビデオは見放題です。 Amazonプライムビデオ、なかなかやりますな〜!! 帰国後も日本で「How I met your mother」見続けられるのを知って安心しま … Meanwhile, the gang reminisces about their own run-ins with the law.Ted reconnects with an old flame and soon remembers why he dumped her in the first place. Lily takes a job at Ted's office.Lily moves in with Barney to escape her rat-infested apartment, and Marshall enjoys fun "couple activities" with a male law-school buddy.In 2030, Ted tells his children the story of how he met their mother, beginning back in 2005 with Marshall and Lily's engagement.After seeing girls get weak in the knees over Robin's man, Gael, Barney and Ted decide to pose as out-of-towners in order to meet chicks.Ted and Barney try to convince Marshall that his new girlfriend is crazy. Marshall has trouble fitting in at Barney's company.Marshall and Barney desperately try to get back to New York when Lily goes into labor.The gang attends a fundraiser at the Natural History Museum, where Ted runs into his archenemy and her husband, the Captain.After Ted and Robin have a fight, Barney tries to show Ted that his job as an architect is a great way to pick up women.When Daphne sends a troubling text message to Lily, Marshall enlists the gang's help to remove the text while enforcing the "no questions asked" rule.Marshall takes on Brad in the biggest case of his career. How Your Mother Met Me 23m. 私が『How I Met Your Mother』を知ったのは4年前。 当時大学生で留学をしていた私は、自分の英語力の無さに絶望し英会話の勉強に関する情報を読み漁っていま … Rally 22m. Barney experiences a life-changing event.Marshall and Lily overreact after seeing a specialist who can help them conceive a baby.Robin, Ted and Barney go to a hot new club, leaving the engaged Marshall and Lily to a more adult, albeit boring, evening of wine tasting.The seventh season of the hit sitcom follows up on the shocking revelation that Barney is getting married, exploring the how's, why's and who's.When Barney suffers from a killer hangover the morning of his wedding, the gang tries to figure out the far-fetched ingredients in a proven antidote.When Lily and Marshall decide to buy an apartment, Marshall discovers Lily's dirty little financial secret when they apply for a loan.When Gary Blauman shows up at the wedding, it sends the gang into a frenzy as they each recall an encounter with him.Just as Ted and Victoria's relationship is beginning to flourish, she's offered a scholarship to a culinary institute in Germany.When Robin is hesitant to break up with Nick, Barney takes matters into his own hands. Barnie is by far the best character on the show, while the other characters complement each other in a hilarious and intelligent way. Ted is blamed for messing up a wedding-related duty.A funeral keeps the gang from watching the Super Bowl live, and they make a pact not to find out the final score until they can watch it the next day.Ted pursues his dermatologist, Stella. Meanwhile, Marshall challenges Robin to a dance-off.Ted continues recounting the high jinks and mishaps that occur during his search for the woman who will eventually be the mother of his children.Ted takes Lily to see the house he's been fixing up.