But they should not force kids to stay at home, clinging to the delusion that distance learning under these circumstances is anything other than an horrible burden on parents, and they should not force kids to hermetically seal themselves in bubbles when they do return to class.It’s okay now. "Deborah Malac, a U.S. ambassador to Liberia at the time, said cities and counties will probably have to adopt a patchwork of solutions, based on their rates of local infections. In the absence of a vaccine for COVID-19, they know social distancing and hygiene will be important to limit spreading the virus. forces us to do is not in our interest (pointless). "It's really critical that [American] schools have a strong plan, not just for reopening now, but for what future school closures would look like," Beers said.
That's after 43 states and Washington, D.C., have already ordered or recommended schools be closed through the end of the school year, according to Education Week magazine.Schools have become a key resource for families needing food assistance, which will likely continue no matter what schooling scenario takes shape.U.S. No, this sad farce is going to play out to the end, with ridiculously detailed phases, fine tuned into sub-phases and executive orders and crackdowns by cops who have nothing better to do than show how tough they still are.a society that doesn’t have the impulse to protect its next generationbut “public education” will try for years on end to teach life experience education through a BOOK instead of spending 1-day in reality…my Jersey high school sent us noon-5 my freshman yearThere is a very large sentiment in favor of dragging this out *and* keeping the economy in check until November…They are ready for normal school days.
"The whole thing is overwhelming," said Dan Weisberg, a former district official and the head of TNTP, a nonprofit formerly known as The New Teacher Project that helps districts recruit and hire more effective teachers. I told them kids probably don’t spread it much, either. But bus drivers can't leave kids alone at bus stops, so the entire bus would have to stay put until the child was retrieved.So they should give back the money.Keep the schools closed until all the socialist teachers have died from the virus.Some of those parasites are large bipedal ones called government non-workers; and they cause government schools to be very costly and ineffective risks to our children’s education and our wallets, in addition to risks to health.You seem to infer people against “public education” are again education when really “public education” has very little to do with education.Hahahahaha. "This is where federal dollars could help," Weisberg said. and soccer/hoops/baseball practices *before* school but games same-time in the afternoons as the regular schools it was beautiful … Shawnee (go Renegades! It is still missing one huge bit of data which I’m stunned is still ‘missing’. Activities requiring physical contact are still banned.Door opens for term start before July 1HANOI: A specially converted Vietnam Airlines passenger plane equipped with ventilators and state doctors returned from Equatorial Guinea to Hanoi on Wednesday carrying 140 Vietnamese workers infected with Covid-19.Mr Nataphol said the CCSA will circulate the health and safety criteria to all schools nationwide so that they can assess whether they can follow and stick to them. Lily Eskelsen Garcia, president of the National Education Association (NEA), the teachers' labor union, also pointed out that while there are problems with reopening, a closed school causes its own problems.In newly released guidance, the AAP highlighted some of those factors, such as how do you keep kids at a safe distance from each other when in the classroom or on a playground, and when schools will need to shut down again if infection rates rise.There's also concern that even when children have mild infections, they may be spreading the disease to parents, teachers and other caregivers.WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
*”Taking one for the team” is not a libertarian value.You spelled “parent” wrong.everything. States that want to make it possible for people to return to work—for the economy to reopen—really need to prioritize schools: They are among the first elements of public life that must return to a semblance of normality, and the risks seem comparatively low.From a purely business and management perspective….Please send the little darlings back to school. Keep in mind that public schools are funded through taxes. It has begun appearing in some younger children with Kawasaki Disease like symptoms, it is being called Multi System Inflammatory Syndrome.Willingly sending our children to Government Schools is a form of child abuse.I would hope that that same decision for September is based on what is now known. Nor can you follow that age group for a few months to see if there is some other longer-term issue re that virus and that particular age group beyond mere fatality – cuz you ain’t even following that group for basic antibody tests.And if the program funded by taxes failed, the only solution is more taxes.It’s yet another one of the solutions mentioned above.