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The process of setting up Google Fi is now getting easier on iPhones with new subscribers able to use an eSIM. It is not important to her that she keeps the same number as she mostly uses data. Doesn’t cost anything (except eat into the data limits)You can only pause for 3 monthsShe will definitely use wifi when available. Everyone gets the Google Fi features you know and love—like unlimited calls & texts, international data coverage, and no contracts. Now with Google Fi's eSim compatibility, I was thinking that this would be an easy way for her to download the eSim on arrival and cancel her account when she leaves.I think AT&T is too expensive. On the Flexible plan, each additional person costs only $15/mo, and everyone shares data. How much data does she need per month?Given her usage pattern, you are probably better off with Surfroam eSIM.Your use case sounds perfect for Google Fi actually.

Add on taxes (which for me is almost $10/month per line) it adds up fast. Wir haben erklärt, was es ist, wie es funktioniert, was es kostet und

When she’s here pick a normal plan. The data usage is not replacing her wifi usage.I have google Fi as well (2 lines using esim on two phones) and you have to remember you’re paying $20/month for the line and then $10 per gb of data used.

Apple's next-generation macOS operating system.iPad Pro-like design? For example, if she switches to the $2 daily plan, and doesn't actually use it for say, a year, (when she's abroad she uses her country's plans, obviously), will AT&T deactivate her number? Her current set up requires her to go to AT&T or Verizon when she arrives and get an expensive prepaid sim card that lasts 1-2 months. Managing your plan has never been simpler. Setting up data and MMS involve additional steps.iOS 14 Public Beta is out now. You can pause her line as necessary and she pays for the data she uses while here.My mother does not live in the US, but she frequently visits annually for any time from 2 weeks to 2 months. Google FI’s eSIM support came along with the recent 2.5 version of FI allowing users upon opening the application to switch to eSIM. Do you know if there's a certain amount of time after which the plan will deactivate? Or just buy a Mac now? Supports WiFi calling and can be canceled anytime.You mentioned she wants to use it for data. My brother and I use Google Fi unlimited plan (2 lines on the same plan) and we were thinking about how feasible it would be for my mom to get a new iPhone SE (that has dual sim/eSim) and sign up for Google Fi as a new line on our account every time she comes to the US. Learn how to get it on your iPhone or iPadApple has including the ability to send inline replies to specific messages that appear in the conversation thread of a group chat.Unlock and start your car with your iPhone starting with iOS 13.6.Wait for Arm? It can be setup as physical or eSIM.

New screen sizes?Users are then sent to an online setup URL where they can select Settings > Cellular > Add Cellular Plans on their ‌iPhone‌ to scan a QR code.

Unlimited talk and text with 2 gb of data. It seems like she would have to go to the AT&T store once, get an eSIM from them, then use a "normal" plan and when she leaves the US, switch to the $2 daily plan. Thank you for the advice!You could add your mom’s iPhone to your Plan and pause the line when she leave. When she cancels her line, would she have to pay any fees?T-mobile prepaid is another option. Does Google Fi limit the amount of times someone can sign up and then cancel? Google Fi is now starting to roll out eSIM support to existing members using iOS devices. Let's discuss.In addition to freeing up the physical SIM, the feature also promises to speed up the process of subscribing to Google Fi for future customers.Apple has made it easier to keep track of conversation threads in Messages by allowing users to pin threads in the app.