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Use Vault to retain, hold, search, and export data in support of your organization’s retention and eDiscovery needs. Google Apps Vault is an add-on which preserves electronically stored information (ESI), including Gmail, chats and other correspondence to help users meet preservation obligations for litigation, regulation and compliance laws. Datenaufbewahrung und E-Discovery für die G Suite Mit Google Vault für G Suite Business und G Suite Enterprise behalten Sie alle wichtigen Daten im Blick. Use intuitive filters to rapidly cull through data, search with basic or bulk keywords, sort information by metadata fields, apply custom tags, and redact documents in seconds.Logikcull is trusted by the Fortune 500, AM Law 100, the US Government, and countless law firms and non-profits in every state within the United States and in more than 34 countries world wide.Trusted by the largest (and smallest) organizations in the worldIdentified documents are assembled, downloaded and exchanged with another party.With Logikcull’s Google Vault integration, you can quickly search and review data from Gmail, Google Drive, Hangouts Chat, and more.Logikcull's Google Vault integration gives you direct access to your G Suite data.Eliminate downtime and IT work by transferring discovery data directly from G Suite to Logikcull. Utilizza Google Vault per gestire, conservare, cercare ed esportare le email, le chat salvate nel registro e i contenuti dei file di Google Drive della tua azienda. Documents are culled, searched, and reviewed for relevance and privilege.I can’t say enough about Logikcull. Logikcull helps you dig into your documents faster, so you get a clear picture of the evidence when you need it.With Logikcull’s G Suite cloud-to-cloud data transfers, your data never leaves the closed-loop environment of Google or Logikcull. Use Google Vault to manage, retain, search and export your company email, on-the-record chats and Google Drive file content. Google Vault is the eDiscovery and compliance solution for G Suite, allowing customers to retain, hold, search, and export their data. Google Apps Vault can archive the cloud data of an organization stored in: Gmail, Hangouts, Google Drive and Team Drive, and Sie können die Daten Ihrer Organisation aus ausgewählten Apps aufbewahren, durchsuchen und exportieren. As best practice, Google recommends suspending user accounts instead of deleting them.Vault is included with G Suite Business and Enterprise editions, at no additional cost to you.Sign up for Google Cloud newsletters with product updates, event information, special offers and more.Thanks! As a part of G Suite Business and Enterprise editions, Vault allows you to archive corporate data from G Suite products including, Gmail, Google Drive, Google Teams Drive, Google Groups, and Google Hangouts Meet.Place legal holds on users to preserve all their emails and on-the-record chats indefinitely in order to meet legal or other retention obligations.

Grâce à Google Vault, gérez, conservez et exportez les e-mails, les discussions enregistrées et les fichiers Google Drive de votre entreprise, et effectuez des recherches dans ces contenus. Not only is Logikcull user-friendly, but it has cut the time it takes to collect and review in half.Partnering with Logikcull has empowered us to expand the ability of legal professionals to quickly access and review G Suite data subject to disputes and investigations.Access data from Google Vault directly in Logikcull.