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Controleer 'self-propelled gun' vertalingen naar het Nederlands. Within 30 years the United States had produced more than 76,000 M113 APCs and their derivatives, making them the most numerous armoured vehicles outside the Soviet bloc. They are usually used for long-range indirect bombardment support on the battlefield. The first motor vehicle used as a weapon carrier was a powered quadricycle on……all armies developed lightly armoured self-propelled antitank guns. Our three-volume, first edition book is now available online through your Britannica Premium membership.\r\n…armoured carriers, light tanks, and self-propelled guns were built with aluminum armour. The U.S. Army developed a specialized category of tank destroyers that resembled self-propelled guns in being relatively lightly armoured but that, like tanks, had rotating turrets. Self-propelled guns are mounted on a motorized wheeled or tracked chassis. They are high mobility vehicles, usually based on continuous tracks carrying either a large field gun, howitzer, mortar, or some form of rocket/missile launcher. A self-propelled gun (SPG) is a form of self-propelled artillery, and in modern use is usually used to refer to artillery pieces such as howitzers. Other articles where Self-propelled gun is discussed: armoured vehicle: Fully tracked carriers: …armoured carriers, light tanks, and self-propelled guns were built with aluminum armour. Kijk door voorbeelden van self-propelled gun vertaling in zinnen, luister naar de uitspraak en neem kennis met grammatica. \r\n Access the world’s original book of answers. There are a total of [ 153 ] Self-Propelled Guns (SPG) entries in the Military Factory. Within 30 years the United States had produced more than 76,000 M113 APCs and their derivatives, making them the most numerous armoured vehicles outside the Soviet bloc. As such the gun can be maneuvered under its own power as opposed to a towed gun that relies upon a vehicle or other means to be moved on the battlefield. The Self-Propelled Gun platform debuted in World War 1 and evolved considerably during World War 2, influencing the many designs appearing thereafter. Self-propelled artillery (also called mobile artillery or locomotive artillery) is artillery equipped with its own propulsion system to move towards its target. Within the terminology are the self-propelled gun, self-propelled howitzer, self-propelled mortar, and rocket artillery. M113 carriers were used extensively in the Vietnam War, often as…Thus, the first self-propelled armoured vehicle was built in 1900 in England when John Fowler & Company armoured one of their steam traction engines for hauling supplies in the South African (Boer) War (1899–1902). Entries are listed below by initial year of service descending.