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Options To change the weight attribute use next command:Now, the weight for updates received from ISP-2 has changed to 100 which make the routes through ISP-2 ( be chosen as the best by BGP and are put in the routing table!

It can be an integer from 0 to 65535.Specifies the address of the next hop.number address permitted by a standard or extended accesspassed by one of the access lists specified.Sets the metric value for a routing protocol.
Routes that pass the autonomous system path access list 2 have the community set to local-as (the router will not advertise this route to an EBGP peer outside the local autonomous system.

It can be an integer from 0 to 65535. Weights indicated when an autonomous system path is matched override the weights assigned by global neighbor commands. Route with the highest weight is preferred. A higher local preference is preferred and the default is 100. Add the internal network to the AS.
To recall, Weight attribute is used by BGP to break the tie when there are more routes to the same network. If the community is set to 10:200, it will set the weight to 10; Download the BGP Communities Lab R1 – Assign Communities. The BGP Local Preference attribute or local-pref is used to influence the outbound routing decision of a router running BGP. The Circuit 50kg Weight Set comes with everything you need to help work out your upper body.

Weight attribute is a Cisco feature, it has local meaning and it is not transmitted to other routers. Distributes any routes that have a destination networkExamples The following example sets the BGP weight for the routes matching the autonomous system path access list to 200:Redistributes routes with the metric specified.Sets the value of the destination routing protocol.Command Modes Route-map configurationSpecifies a preference value for the autonomous system path.The implemented weight is based on the first matched autonomous system path.

Default value for routes received from neighbors is 0, for local routes is 32726 route-map set_community 10 permit match as-path 1 set community 109. route-map set_community 20 permit match as-path 2 set community local-as The no version removes the set clause from a route map. config router BGP . Defaults.

Where: ip-addr – is the address of the BGP neighbor peer-group – the name of BGP peer group; weight-value – is the weight, which can be between 0 and 65535. Set the following information, and select OK. Local As: 1: Router ID: To set the BGP router information - CLI.