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Like a lot of people have said, a little goes a long way. I rarely find a perfume that truly lasts that long!Ugh this fragrance is really nostalgic like no lie it turned out amazing the shipping was outstanding. The heart of, “Cry Baby Perfume Milk” invites you to experience innocent darkness while Melanie’s childhood memories are evoked through a soft, nostalgic baby lotion accord.
i'm so excited to get my full bottle in the mail!I absolutely love it!! It looks like I could've painted it myself. Sweet and nostalgic, “Cry Baby Perfume Milk” captures the spirit of the girl who is …
Ariana Grande Cloud Eau de Parfum Spray ,clear ,3.4 oz.
the bottle is SO CUTE I ALMOST SCREAMED it looks like an actual baby bottle!
The first impression is a complicity of dark fruity notes, while strawberry milk and a lipstick accord are layered to contrast the dark fruits. Cry Baby Perfume Milk ist ein Konzept-Duft für das gleichnamige Album von Melanie Martinez. It smells like milky oranges and sandalwood. I love you Melanie and your scent is amazing! I honestly don't know how to describe it besides deliciously sweet. I can't wait for the perfume to arrive, I'm sure I will get many compliments for it! Best perfume ever! (Posted on 11/1/2016)Got a sample at the Dallas show tonight! You can really tell Melanie put her heart in to it.
The packaging as well as the smell are all wonderful and totally worth it if you buy.
I got to wear it to school and when I got there, and my friend hugged me, the first thing she told me was "Wow, you smell really good!". It smells so amazing and I can't get enough!!! I loved the packaging and the bottle. I Love it so Much! (Posted on 4/1/2017)Last night I received the sample for this perfume in the mail. The first impression is a complicity of dark fruity notes, while strawberry milk and a lipstick accord are layered to contrast the dark fruits. TOKYOMILK Eau De Parfum, Let Them Eat Cake, 1 Fl Oz. I love it Melanie! It's not overbearing, and it last me the entire day.
BUY THIS! Since Christmas is coming up this is a perfect gift since mine came in less then a week when it was pre ordered.This product smells amazing, And looks AMAZING! But you don’t really notice it unless you really look. if you can't afford it, just save up. Congratulations! Doing that made it last a good week (maybe more). Kind of reminded me of Katy Perrys Meow at first but with more personality, however there are just so many layers to it. Lol, I know it sounds weird but it's super nice and addictive almost. One spray on the wrist, dab it on the left then the right side of your neck...and you're good to go ALL DAY! The packaging is super cute. it's strong, sweet and nostalgic. It legit smells like heaven mine just came in today and the confetti is such a cute touch and I love it! It smells like berries and something else that I can't put my finger on but it smells so good!! It's also a super high quality bottle and perfume! size, bottled in a vintage-inspired, glass baby bottle. (Posted on 11/9/2017) (Posted on 2/11/2017) (Posted on 1/25/2017) (Posted on 6/16/2017) (Posted on 10/26/2016)i received the sample packet in the mail, and i'm completely obsessed with mel's new scent. Don't be worried that it's too sweet because it has layers that really carry it's sweetness and it is a little nostalgic. (Posted on 2/17/2017)i absolutely love it mine came in yesterday it smells so good! love you so much!This perfume is my favorite perfume ever to wear.
I would so gift this to everyone if I had the money.
It looks just like a little baby bottle, and the little design on the side is adorable. And the smell is SOOOOO GOOOOD (:My husband bought this perfume for me for Christmas. It smelled amazing and lasted all night, I can't wait until the real thing comes out.
by the way, i couldn't bring myself to throw away the confetti, so i kept it in the canister LOL. ;) (Posted on 12/12/2017)I've loved her since day one. I was finally able to order it over the weekend.
If you're thinking about buying it, definitely don't hesitate!