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This song captures so many of the small gestures that we associate with falling in love: feeling your heart race as soon as you spot your new love, looking away when they look at you, etc.Nicely done thank you. .I love your translation of this beautiful song and think it is the best translation I have seen, especially your reasoning behind the translation . If you don’t speak French do not try to correct. We use this phrase occasionally in English, and my preference would be to leave it in French since there isn’t a saying in English that is as elegant. It also make much sense as I can still translate a piece of this I think your explanations are great and reinforce the subtleties withinFrench to english translation deosnt do justice to the subtleties of the language, but such a beautiful song. My French is rusty and this helped greatly. Thank you. Just have fun with it, mes amis :)If you add the French verse at the start, it sounds really nice.I’m in AP French (6 years of education) about to pursue my minor and this pronunciation is butchered and incorrect. Thank you!! To “get your shit together” doesn’t mean you literally collect a pile of poop. My French is rusty and this helped greatly. Dès que means “as soon as” (in French you can also say “aussitôt que”).Thank you so very much for your translation and interpretation and most of all for the passion you put into this.OK and now for the chorus/title – how to best translate “la vie en rose”? Comment and share your favourite lyrics. I’m glad that you enjoyed it. They are so beautiful and moving and La Vie en Rose is one of my favourites!It is interesting that Edith sings some slightly different repeat verses. True art in my humble opinion.Thank you … Mum & Dad were soulmates … buddies, pals & friends, husband, wife & parents. Reply. I really appreciate the time you took to break down the different parts and explain them. I may be due to update this translation a little bit and help with a bit more historical context and reference to other cultural touchstones.Which is an even more intimate lyric!Having Dutch as my mother tongue, French as second and English as third language you for ever find yourself in analysing language and looking for a deeper or true meaning behind words. When you press me to your heart I'm in a world apart A world where roses bloom. Edith Piaf would be disappointed (original writer of this song)hey! It also make much sense as I can still translate a piece of this I think your explanations are great and reinforce the subtleties withinWow! Well done! Lyrics to 'La Vie En Rose' by Edith Piaf: Des yeux qui font baisser les miens Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche Voila le portrait sans retouche De l'homme auquel j'appartiens However we do have the saying “to see life through rose-colored glasses.” I feel that this sounds a bit awkward, and not nearly as nice as saying “I see la vie en rose,” which would literally translate as “I see life in pink” or “I see life in rosy-hues.”All I can say, besides thank you for this,…is you must love this song as much as I do!I’ve chosen to translate this as “a laugh that is lost on his lips;” literally it would be translated “a laugh that loses itself on his lips.” I think that she is referring to the moment when someone laughs a short, fleeting laugh that seems to dance across their lips.retouche: a correction, amendment, or as we would translate it for a photo “retouching”.What do you think of this translation?
Now I understand why they both loved this song & Edith Piaf .. beautiful Love what you have done – the translation on the video and the write-up below. A lovely explanation and well explained. Merci beaucoup.This is from the TV show “La joie de vivre” where Edith Piaf performed live on March 4, 1954. And so liberating! .
Thanks.Well literally “la vie en rose” would translate directly to “life in pink.” But to see “la vie en rose” is a saying that means you are seeing the world optimistically. I am only now trying to refresh my learning of the French language and am so thankful to you for your translations of this wonderful song. That’s something that comes later in learning French anyway. (And Edith Piaf is one my absolute favourites!