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West Coast, East Coast & Midwest warehouses. Buena Vista Disc cm) Bike Blue Soma Buena Vista mixte frameset (disc), serial: TSFIDW21. Online & in Portland Oregon since 1997. Make Offer - 2019 Soma Buena Vista Mixte Bike Frameset XSmall 50cm Steel 700C 650B US Charity 2019 Soma Wolverine V3.0 Gravel Bike Frame 54cm Medium 650B 29er Belt Drive Disc $549.56 Make Offer - 2019 Soma Buena Vista Mixte Bike Frameset XSmall 50cm Steel 700C 650B US Charity Soma Saga Touring Road Bike Frame Set Medium 56cm Disc Tange Steel USA Charity! Retail Stores in … One of the most graceful frames in production, the Soma Buena Vista frameset is now compatible with disc brakes, making it a rarity among mixtes. Handbuilt of high-quality Tange Prestige steel.

White Soma Buena Vista Disc cm) Bike, serial: TSFIDW37. $676.74 Soma Buena Vista Disc Road Frameset - Pearl White :: From $675.00 :: Soma Road Frames :: UniversalCycles.com - 30,000+ mountain & road cycling parts. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1997 CD release of Stygian Vistas on Discogs. Tons of love put into the bike!
Please get in touch to discuss your dream build. Note: the photo doesn't show a fork, but rest assured a matching steel disc-brake fork is included. Soma Buena Vista 58cm disc frameset. A completely custom built mixte with a Soma Buena Vista frame as its heart. The Buena Vista Disc is a perennial favorite among our custom-build customers. Soma Fabrications, which gets its name from the San Francisco name of South of Market Street has become a favorite bike brand among those of us who want to build our own bike with high quality reasonably priced parts.We don't have any items left from the " + current + " Category, but maybe you'd like something form one of these categories below:We love their beautifully simple paint jobs, minimalist graphics, and more importantly the flexibility that their frames provideWe love how Soma Steel frames ride. Rider after rider tell us how no matter how many higher end bikes they have in their garage, they always grab their Soma when they go out on their favorite rides.We are the premier Portland destination for commuter bikes, belt drive bikes, adventure bikes and especially for our custom built dream bikes. - Sparkly blue paint color - Rear rack - Black tape - Shimano Tiagra 4700 groupset - Soma Hwy One 31.8mm Black bar - Suzue wheelset sealed disc 650B (black) - Front and back fenders $340.00. White and Green 2018 Soma Buena Vista Disc, serial: BVISTA50.

We built this beautiful mixte frame up with a Velo Orange triple touring cranket, dynamo lighting system, semi-sweptback handlebars, and Brooks saddle.