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Remote employees will feel connected to their team without sacrificing the flexibility of remote work.“We actually found the video quality to be better than most other tools for larger group meetings.”2x Increased Employee RetentionLog into your team’s space when you start to work.A virtual workspace to make remote teams more accessible.Remo makes bonding with remote teammates feel easy and natural. Build relationships and strengthen bonds.Enable video and audio to simulate the “tap on the shoulder” effect.All the benefits of in-office interaction, none of the gridlock.Set your status to let coworkers know when you are available.Your Remote Team Should Feel Like a FamilyReal-time communication makes remote teammates more accessible for collaboration. High-quality video and audio simulate authentic in-office interaction. Instantly interact with a coworker just by entering the same room.Remo takes the isolation out of remote work with a fun platform your people will want to use.

Overall: We have a fully remote team of 15 people, and a "virtual office" app like Remo is vital to clearly communicate online presence and status, provide team members with the ability to quickly video-call each other throughout the workday with minimum hassle, and …

Individual “rooms” where employees can casually chat or collaborate.Talk to coworkers instantly just by walking into their room.Laugh with your teammates. High-quality video and audio simulate authentic in-office interaction. All the benefits of in-office interaction, all the freedom of remote work, all in one place.

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