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As part of Rajah & Tann Asia, the firm has the reach and the resources to deliver excellent service to clients in the region, including Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. Shuhei works for various Japanese companies as they expand into Asia and face new challenges in the region.Shuhei began his career as a Public Prosecutor in Japan, servicing for almost 8 years leading investigations and prosecutions of many economic and corporate cases, and then as a counsel and risk management consultant at a global risk management consulting firm, providing advisory services in areas of regulatory compliance, including anti-corruption, competition law and corporate governance.Head, Japan Desk, Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP The firm’s geographical reach also includes Singapore-based regional desks focusing on Japan … Apr 2012 – Mar 2014 2 years. Education. At Rajah & Tann Singapore, Shuhei continues to work for Japanese and other companies in M&A, joint ventures, general corporate, employment, competition law, anti-corruption, corporate investigations, and dispute resolution. A team that understands local conditions and international standards.

Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP | Brunei Desk. A team that is always there, ready when you are. One unified team, one commitment, one standard - driven by multiple talents.

LATEST NEWS. search; contact us; privacy; Toggle navigation Menu. Rajah & Tann has grown to be one of the largest full service law firms in Singapore, providing full service and high quality advice to an impressive list of clients.

At Rajah & Tann Singapore, Shuhei continues to work for Japanese and other companies in M&A, joint ventures, general corporate, employment, competition law, anti-corruption, corporate investigations, and dispute resolution.

Rajah & Tann Asia's member firms and regional desks hail from the jurisdictions of Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Senior Manager / Attorney Protiviti. Labour law, Employees, Trade unions, Termination, executives, Employers, outsourcing, Compensation plans, Stock options, Tribunals, Workplace compliance, summary dismissals, Discrimination, whistle blower,global immigration, Executive transfers, workplace, Vicarious Liability, Pensions, Retirement, harassment, RedundancyAgency, Distribution, Joint ventures, Business Law, incorporation, contract, hotel management, branding and advertising, contract management, consultancy, international sales , cross border, corporate advisory, regulatory compliance, Telco, PDPA, Personal Data ProtectionDebt, Derivatives, Structured Finance, Equity, Corporate Trusts, Bonds, Securitisation, Regulatory Capital, listing, stock exchange, MarketsTracing, White Collar Crime, Anti Money LaunderingJudicial Management, Judicial Managers, Receivers, Receivership, JM, Schemes of Arrangement, corporate restructuring, WorkoutsCompetition commission, Cartel, Monopoly, global cartel, dawn raids, abuse of dominance, Merger control, Market investigations, public procurementSingapore largest Law Firm with highly rated legal services across asia, bringing together leading law firms and lawyers in Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.Uncitral, CIArb, SIAC, ICC, ICSID, NAFTA, bilateral, multilateral,fair and equitable treatment, expropriation, national treatment, umbrella clause, protection and security, government, substantive rights, procedural rights, conventions, ratificationReal Estate, HDB, Condominium, Collective Sale, Sale & Purchase Enbloc, Shopping MallLeveraged buyouts, joint ventures, private equity, schemes of restructuring, almagamation, corporate reorganisations, M & A, Disposals, Privatisations,takevoersCross border financing, structured financing, asset financing, islamic financing, Loan, Credit, Securities, syndicated finance, trade, yields , bondsOil and Gas, Construction, utilities, waste water, mining, supply, offtake, upstream, downstream, chemicals, procurement, supply chain infrastructures, LNG, natural gas, town gas, project documentation, minerals, renewable energyAviation, aircraft, maritime, admiralty, carriage of goods , Mortgage, ship finance, Wet work, Dry work, collisions, shipyards, P & I Clubs, Vessels, Charterparties, General Average, Ship Sale and Finance, Repossession, Priorities, Sheriffs Sale, Piracy, Stowaway, Insurers, Demise, Charterers

Shuhei works for various Japanese companies as they expand into Asia and face new challenges in the region. Rajah & Tann Asia - a full service legal network spread out over 10 countries in Asean and beyond. Singapore. Oct 2010 – Apr 2014 3 years 7 months.

Public Prosecutor Public Prosecutors Office, Japan. Shuhei works for various Japanese companies as they expand into Asia and face new challenges in the region. May 2014 – Present 6 years 3 months.