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Does the chrome extension keep the same utf-8 encoding even when the webpage encoding is different ? GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together.首先,我建议从 Google Chrome Web Store / Microsoft Edge Web Store 安装这个扩展程序。从 Google Chrome 商店安装时应该不会碰到这个错误。Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL.First of all, I recommend you install this extension from the Google Chrome Web Store or Microsoft Edge Web Store.An extension used to modify the page default encoding for Chromium 55+ based browsers.An extension used to modify the page default encoding for Chromium 55+ based browsers.An extension used to modify the page default encoding for Chromium 55+ based browsers.GitHub Release 中的 crx 文件都是从 Google Chrome Web Store 下载的而不是自己打包的,所以包含了升级信息以及校验元数据,安装后应该不会报警告,同时也会自动到商店检查更新。Download from the Google Chrome Web Store may never get this error.Releases from GitHub are downloaded from Google Chrome Web Store, so it also included upgrade info and verification metadata, and can also upgrade automatically.用于在基于 Chromium 55+ 内核的浏览器下修改网站默认编码的扩展程序。 If you want to use the web request API in a blocking fashion, you need to request the \"webRequestBlocking\" permission in addition. CHANGELOG. Starting from Chrome 72, old versions will stop working because new Chrome requires extensions to request for extra permission to modify response header. To intercept a sub-resource request, the extension needs to have access to both the requested URL and its initiator. - jinliming2/Chrome-Charset Starting from V0.4, it supports changing encoding of local files, but you need check 'Allow access to file URLs' in extension manage page. An extension used to modify the page default encoding for Chromium 55+ based browsers. Subway Subway. This extension is a casual product made by deep-watch, so its help page is hosted here. Remember that any extensions you install from the Chrome Web Store weren’t tested for the Edge browser. Click the Network tab. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information.The Chrome extension API is generally used with UTF-8. asked May 28 '19 at 16:16. Is there an chrome API to check for the encoding ? Is there an chrome API to check for the encoding ? It appears I'll have to send the encoding information as well if the encoding depends on web page encoding.Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Content-Encoding: br Check if a response was compressed in Chrome DevTools # To check if a server compressed a response: Press Control+Shift+J (or Command+Option+J on Mac) to open DevTools. JavaScript 76.4%; HTML 23.6%; Branch: master. [Edited after the answer below]Does the chrome extension keep the same utf-8 encoding even when the webpage encoding is different ?