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If you have any other concerns about providing information to us or it being used as described in this Privacy Policy you should not use our games or other Services.When you purchase items via our mobile apps (such as those you can purchase in the App Store, on Facebook or on Google Play) we do not collect or store any payment information from you.19.1 Our failure to exercise or enforce any of our rights under these terms does not waive our right to enforce such right. Our payment processing partners may have their own terms and conditions and you should ensure you are in agreement with these prior to making any payment. King, or king regnant, is the title given to a male monarch in a variety of contexts. These technologies allow companies (including marketers and advertisers) to recognise your device when you use websites and applications.We will keep your information for as long as your account is active or we consider necessary for the purposes described in our Privacy Policy. We may also use servers and engage providers that are located outside the EEA in order to process and store your information and to provide services to us.11.3 YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT, OTHER THAN LICENSE GRANTED TO YOU BY THESE TERMS, YOU SHALL HAVE NO OWNERSHIP OR PROPERTY INTEREST IN ANY OF OUR SERVICES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ONLINE ACCOUNTS, ANY VIRTUAL MONEY OR VIRTUAL GOODS.

You must only invite people that have consented to receive such an invitation from you and who do not consider such messages unwanted or unsolicited.22.1 Except for paragraph 21, the laws of England shall govern the interpretation of these terms and apply to claims for breach of it, without reference to conflict of laws principles. If we do this or something similar, we will tell you what information we would like to collect, why we need it and what we’ll use it for.Ad identifiers are non-permanent, non-personal identifiers such as the Android advertising ID and/or Apple's ID for advertising (the ‘IDFA’), which are uniquely associated with your device.

Accordingly, any risk of loss of this data is transferred to you (i) in the case of Virtual Goods which you purchase from us, upon completion of the purchase as described in paragraph 4.3 above; and/or (ii) in other cases, (including Subscriptions) at the time the Virtual Goods are credited or awarded to you.3.3 In these terms, references to “log in details” or “account” include your log in details and account for any social network or platform that you may allow our Services to interact with.7.2 You agree to compensate us, according to law, for all losses, harm, claims and expenses that may arise from any breach of these terms by you.One of our customer service channels is the King Community website ({0}https://communities.king.com{1}).