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What is an air?There are variations in the pattern as the piece continues (for harmonic reasons, this pattern can’t continue in such a perfect way), but it’s beautifully straightforward and consistent.You’ll also notice another pattern in the bassline:Of course, this isn’t a simple binary piece with just the one modulation – Bach takes us through a wide variety of keys in this piece, everything from the original key of D and the dominant of A to Cm, Bm, Em, G major and more.I’d like to start by taking a listen to the opening of Bach’s original, followed by the opening of Air on the G String, the arranged version with strings, so that you can compare the two and hear some differences. You’ll notice suspensions go from an upper note to a lower note as a step. We’re always restlessly moving from one harmony to the next – we just don’t notice it as much because it’s a slow piece.Again, in true Baroque style, you’ll see the modulation happen right at the end of the A section. )In the Air movement, only the strings and basso continuo play. Sometimes we get caught up in these 30-minute sonatas and we forget that short music also has the capacity for deep inventiveness.This suite was composed in 1731 when Bach was in his mid-forties. can be so rich, interesting and beautiful? It sounds natural to modulate to nearby neighbors – modulating from the key of C (no sharps or flats) to the key of B (5 sharps) doesn’t usually work as well.A final note about this piece is that, except for the strongest cadences – the end of the A section and the end of the B section – there is no stop in motion. Print and download in PDF or MIDI Air on the G String - J. S. Bach. A full performance of all six movements is about 23 minutes long (the Air movement is about 3 minutes).Another difference between the Wilhelmj edit and Bach’s original is in the edit, the melody is carried by a single violin, whereas Bach’s version uses the first violins playing together as a group.An Air isn’t a dance at all, but rather the English term for “aria”, which is a lyrical and expressive movement. It’s nothing more than octave leaps interspersed with steps:(The dominant key is 5 notes up from the original key. The first thing worth specifying is that there are two different versions of this piece – the “Air on the G String” version, and Bach’s Suite No. We go from a tension note (a note not in the chord) to the resolution note (a note that is in the chord). Different versions of “Air on the G String”. Free Sheet music for Piano. 3 in D major, BWV 1068. If we’re in the key of D, the dominant key is the key of A).Today we’ll just be looking at the Air, though I encourage you to check out the suite in full.http://www.naxos.com/catalogue/item.asp?item_code=8.550194Another example: If you’re playing a D chord, and the melody goes from G-F#.