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(Condensed from Germain, 2006).Relative to a specific field, an expert has:Some characteristics of the development of an expert have been found to includeSkilled memory enables experts to rapidly encode, store, and retrieve information within the domain of their expertise and thereby circumvent the capacity limitations that typically constrain novice performance. Megan Ranney, an emergency medicine physician at Rhode Island Hospital, recognizes the challenges for so many of her peers trying to juggle work with kids at home. So many are recommending social distancing, masks and other protocols. So we asked twenty doctors, public health experts and epidemiologists with school-age children if they're sending them to school this fall.Data is a real-time snapshot *Data is delayed at least 15 minutes. For Choo, that's a big challenge as there's no way to know yet whether Covid-19 cases will spike by then.Some of the doctors say they don't have much of a choice."After carefully examining the systems to control and respond rapidly to change, yes, I'm sending him because it's a developmentally appropriate step and important socially-emotionally," said Dr. Miotto.Here's a summary of what each group had to say.Even the parents who are planning to send their kids back to school in the fall are expecting that there could be a bump in transmissions.

Eight were in "wait and see" mode. McMillan said she initially pulled her daughter out in March and then fully un-enrolled her in June. She defined a behavioral dimension in experts, in addition to the dimensions suggested by Swanson and Holton (2001). I would accept the risks of infection to send her back to school," said Carolyn Cardamone, a Physician Assistant with One Medical. It's a struggle because her youngest is only eight months old. "I don't think we should obligate them to put themselves at risk," he said.The situation is highly confusing and the guidelines seem to be shifting. So families should be aware of the risks, they say, while weighing them against the benefits of socialization.Dr. She personally doesn't expect life to return to normalcy until next spring. And a final six were leaning strongly towards remote learning and were not comfortable with the prospect of having kids in school -- at least for the beginning of the year.Likewise, Aaron Miri, a chief information officer for UT Health Austin in Texas, said it would all depend on the plan in place. Christina Farr @chrissyfarr. A lot of the parents are doctors and infectious disease experts, he notes, given the sheer number of universities and academic medical centers in the area. Likewise, John Brownstein, an infectious disease epidemiologist and the chief innovation officer of Boston Children's Hospital, is helping his kids' school come up with a plan for how to re-open. But it's likely that their school will embrace more of a hybrid model, meaning some combination of remote and in-person learning.Six of the medical experts felt confident about sending their kids back. Expert official shop online. Dr. Dan Buckland, an emergency medicine doctor at Duke, feels relatively confident about sending his kids back to school if the right steps are taken to keep them safe.Dr. Right now, he's not feeling confident. But she has warned her kids that she anticipates a scenario where the situation doesn't last because of an outbreak. Experts, however, categorize problems based upon their deep structures (i.e., the main physics principle used to solve the problem).Their findings also suggest that while the schemas of both novices and experts are activated by the same features of a problem statement, the experts’ schemas contain more procedural knowledge which aid in determining which principle to apply, and novices’ schemas contain mostly declarative knowledge which do not aid in determining methods for solution.Much of the research regarding expertise involves the studies of how experts and novices differ in solving problems (Chi, M. T. H., Glasser R., & Rees, E.,1982). She's leaning towards distance learning because her school is asking parents to decide within a few weeks if they plan to return their kids by September.